The crisp fall mornings and shorter days are a reminder that winter is on its way. With the cold weather approaching, Minnesotans are busy finishing outdoor projects, dusting off their snow blowers, and servicing their heating systems. 

As the temperature continues to drop, now is a great time to inspect your windows and doors to make sure they can withstand the coming cold, snow, and ice. If they are old, damaged, or causing drafts, here are a few reasons you may want to consider updating them before winter sets in.  

Improve Energy Efficiency
Properly sealed windows and doors play an important role in maintaining the energy efficiency of your home. If they are outdated or improperly installed, they can cause your heating system to have to work overtime. Replacing your outdated windows and doors helps seal your home against the elements and reduce your heating and cooling costs.

Reduce Drafts
No one likes the feeling of a cold draft seeping into the house. Thankfully, window technology has significantly improved over the years. Updating your home with new, properly installed windows is an effective way to keep the cold at bay this winter. 

Upgrade Aesthetic Appeal
Beyond their functional role, windows and doors contribute to your home’s overall aesthetic. With a wide variety of styles and colors to choose from, you can instantly upgrade your home’s curb appeal this upcoming season. Our experts at 10K Construction are knowledgeable about the many different materials and products available and can help you make the best choice.

Prevent Structural Damage
Minnesota winters can be particularly harsh on the structural integrity of your home. Snow and ice buildup can cause moisture to seep through poorly sealed windows and doors, leading to a multitude of problems.  Addressing any issues before winter arrives could save you from rot, mold or a compromised foundation down the road. 

Ready to upgrade your windows and doors? Right now is the time to address any issues before the Minnesota snow starts flying. 

At 10K Construction, our experts can help you choose the right windows and doors.
We offer a no-obligation inspection appointment to help you take the next steps towards a more energy-efficient, draft-free home. 

Schedule your free consultation today!